petak, 21.10.2011.


Basswood Blinds - Make Roller Shade.

Basswood Blinds

basswood blinds

basswood blinds - Cherry 2"

Cherry 2" Customized Bass Wood Blinds,Width 45in., Free Shipping, 45 x 72

Cherry 2

Top Blinds 2 inch Bass Wood blinds are made from the highest quality basswood and painted or stained for an elegant look. Since we sell them factory direct you should expect first-grade quality, but at a much lower price than name-brand stores. We offer 7 colors with numerous width and height sizes so you can be sure to find a great fit for your windows. All mounting hardware and accessories you need plus instructions are included to make this a pain-free installation experience! If you plan to mount on the inside, please ensure your windows are at least 1/2 inch larger than the blind size that you purchase to ensure your blinds fit in your windows. Also, make certain that you have a 2 inch depth if you want your blinds mounted flush with your frame. Your valance will come 2 inch larger than the width of your blinds so you can either attach the valance over your window for a decorative look or cut it down to fit perfectly on your blind. Our blinds can be easily cared-for, simply dust or use soap and water and your blinds will function in a superior manner and look gorgeous for years.

80% (15)

Blinded Sphinx Paonias excaecatus

Blinded Sphinx Paonias excaecatus

Family: Hawk Moths Sphingidae

Identification: Very common in Ontario. Forewing has many shades of brown with a strongly scalloped outer margin. White fringe may be visible on the inside edge of scallops. Front wing base has a series of dark wavy lines (nearer the head). Lower hindwing has a pinkish tint with a blue eyespot, without a black spot within the blue, thus the ‘iris’ is missing and the moth is blind. Abdomen has a dark longitudinal line through the center.

Similar Species: The Lettered Sphinx Deidamia inscripta has much more white on wings.
The One-eyed Sphinx Smerinthus cerisyi has wavy wing tips, not scallops. Lines at wing base are light, not dark.

Size: Wingspan 55 to 95 mm.

Habitat: Fields, woodlands, and forests.

Food: Adults do not feed. Larva eat American hornbeam, apple, basswood, beech, birch, cherry, chestnut, elm, hawthorn, hop hornbeam, oak, poplar, rose, serviceberry, Spiraea, willow, and many others.

Flight Time: Mostly June to July.

Life Cycle: One generation per year. Larva to 75 mm. Bright green with granulated integument, some forms with red spots. Over-winters in cocoon stage.

Comments: Listed at Ojibway Prairies in Essex County.

Came to lights Jul 17, 2011 in S. W. Ontario, Canada.

Natural finish Hardwood Blinds

Natural finish Hardwood Blinds

Keep it green with these Basswood hardwood blinds, sealed with a water borne lacquer, shown in a Pine stain.

basswood blinds

basswood blinds

Super White 2

Top Blinds 2 inch Bass Wood blinds are made from the highest quality basswood and painted or stained for an elegant look. Since we sell them factory direct you should expect first-grade quality, but at a much lower price than name-brand stores. We offer 7 colors with numerous width and height sizes so you can be sure to find a great fit for your windows. All mounting hardware and accessories you need plus instructions are included to make this a pain-free installation experience! If you plan to mount on the inside, please ensure your windows are at least 1/2 inch larger than the blind size that you purchase to ensure your blinds fit in your windows. Also, make certain that you have a 2 inch depth if you want your blinds mounted flush with your frame. Your valance will come 2 inch larger than the width of your blinds so you can either attach the valance over your window for a decorative look or cut it down to fit perfectly on your blind. Our blinds can be easily cared-for, simply dust or use soap and water and your blinds will function in a superior manner and look gorgeous for years.

See also:

remote control blinds shades

drapery supplies

whole house fan shutter cover

install mini blinds

white wooden blinds

canopy four poster beds

white lined drapes

designer drapery fabric

21.10.2011. u 06:50 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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basswood blinds, glass candle lamp shade, best blackout blinds


modern drapery rods
shade shrubs and plants
canon eos remote shutter
basswood blinds
digital roller blinds
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